Above, three views of the craftsmanship of W7RDP in his version of the "Joule Thief" mini-LED trail-friendly light featured in the February edition of the Trail-Friendly Radio column in WorldRadio Online magazine.
Click here for the link to the 'Joule Thief' by Big Clive, which inspired the YouTube video by Bre Pettis and Wendell H. Oskay.
Click here for links to how the "Joule Thief" does its magic.
Explanation 1
Explanation 2
Click here for the EDN Magazine article that inspired Doug Phillips, W7RDP's version of the "Joule Thief."
Click here for a link to Dan's Small Parts and Kits, one source for the FT50-61 toroid used in the "Joule Thief."
An inside look at AD7GR's version of the "Joule Thief."
(For an enlarged view, click on the images.)